Menzione legale

The website is the exclusive property of ADVISION.

Contact details of the company ADVISION (registered with the RCS of Paris):
Type of company: Simplified single-person joint-stock company (SASU)
Head office address: 24 rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris
SIRET number: 879 201 671 00010
Email contact: [email protected]

Registration number with DREETS Ile-De-France as a professional training organization for adults in accordance with article L.6351-7-1 of the Labor Code: n° 11756189575, this registration does not constitute approval of State.

To check that an organization is registered with the DREETS, just look on this site:

Our professional training organization has been certified Qualiopi since December 6, 2021 for training actions.

Publication manager:

Advision Company

Name of host:

WebSoft Net Technologies.

5005 Mitchelldale
Suite #100
Houston, TX 77092
United States of America

Trademark, copyrights
The website and each of its elements are the exclusive property of Advision. They are protected by the intellectual property code. These include, but are not limited to: files, audios and videos, texts and illustrations. Their reproduction, modification, translation and/or adaptation, in whole or in part, for any use other than private use is strictly prohibited, under penalty of prosecution in accordance with the provisions of articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Regarding cookies:
You can object to the tracking of your browsing on this website. This will protect your privacy, but also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users, and you may not receive all availabilities (including product purchases).
By accessing the site(s), applications or services, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted these General Conditions. He further declares that he is legally capable of giving his consent hereto and that he intends to comply with them fully and without restriction. If he is a minor or incapable, he declares to have the authorization of a person holding parental authority, a tutor or a curator.
These General Conditions prevail over those of the user.